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Neville works with both community and commercial clients, bringing diverse experience to connect the two. Through this collaborative work process, he constantly add's both social and economic value. Check out the recent projects on this page.

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Working with schools, support groups, business's and our immediate community we created a safe vibrant space for people to learn, reflect and find community with a purpose. By having structured school facilitation along side drop in sessions and  season long education programs our end users found collaboration and connection easy. Click here to see more about Growing Minds


Along with Natural England and Horizons 6th Form we planned, facilitated and captured data metrics on Biodiversity.


Working with EHCP assessed students with complex needs we tailored a weekly program that allowed the students to gain experience while being exposed to nature and green pathways to sustainble and green sector jobs. See more info here.

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Turning waste into wonder is a passion of ours and here we created and mentored a community compost project in Walsall. Working with the community we programmed a pre-composting and maturation setup with the added function of worm composting to value add and create growing inputs from community waste. See More.

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